Saturday, August 11, 2018

Enough About Me...

...and a little more about collaborations.

Small business owners, start ups, entrepreneurs, artists...
can spend a lot of time on their own 
formulating a plan, designing cards, ordering supplies, creating art, on and on, etc.

Often times, most of the time, its important to also have a 
collaborator, moral support, chief encourager, someone to run ideas by.
I'm lucky, I have that with my daughter in law 

Even though I'm in California and she's in Austin, Texas...
we have a weekly phone date to talk about our progress, our accomplishments, 
our plans to bring our art out into the world and the steps we're planning to make that happen.
So far we've been able to keep these calls down to two hours each week!

Right now, together we're going through the book 

I know...your thinking "not another numbered step book"
...I thought the same thing.  But yes, another step book!
5 simple steps that we could all be doing to really have an epic life...
in every area of our lives.

The important thing is to find this partnership connection through a friend, family member,
someone who is on the same path as you.
Fire each other up, share ideas, encourage each other,
enrich the experience of growing and moving ahead with your entrepreneurial ideas...
celebrate each others wins and accomplishments.

We all need someone in our corner to help move us along towards our goals,
and it's much more fun to share them with someone who has your best interests at heart.

While I have you here...
let's peek into Lucinda's studio...along with some of her artistic expressions.

I encourage you to go through your contacts and find your partner in growth...
you probably already know who that is.  Reach out, make plans, then work on them together.

You can see more of Lucinda's beautiful art and modern quilts on her Instagram page

 Sign up to get Lucinda's news delivered to your inbox,
       updates on her online shop launch, new collections, and more!

enjoy the journey!

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