Sunday, June 23, 2019

Starts & Passes

History of a painting...

The beautiful thing about art, about a the history it holds.

Whether abstract or representational (realistic), we get drawn into a painting by the history it reveals ... and the history it hides from us.  It's the layers and the number of times you pass more paint over it that brings it into life and gives it a story.  It's laying on a layer of paint and then problem solving the design, making corrections...sometimes many passes before you get it just right...and even then you may go over it one or two more times.  Sound frustrating?  Not at all...its the challenge of being an artist, and the joy of when you finally get it just right and it pleases your eye.

The above 3 paintings are part of a design lesson  in the Art2Life Creative Visionary Program I've been taking...these are the first takes.  The challenge was going over them and risking covering up little bits I fell in love with...all in order to make a better painting...and learn how to let go!

First Take

Second take... 
in color and then black and white to determine my design.

Third take...
it was getting too busy...too loud.

Forth take....
I think I quieted it down by adding a few neutral colors and 
removing shapes that were throwing off the design.

Only showing beginning and end to this one...
I like that I calmed the colors down and changed my design and focal.  

Again...first and last pass...
I calmed this down by neutralizing the colors
and playing with the design.

I think they may need another pass or two...
but I'll wait a few days and go onto something else before I return to with fresh eyes.

The main things for m to remember ...
everything can't be important
keep the eye moving around the surface
black & white addition (even small ones)
don't be afraid to let go, even if you love that a stroke.

Really loving what I'm learning and discovering in this program!

PS...My posting times have been a little wonky lately...
though I always make it in before the weekend is over!

Thank you for following along with me for the last 
several years...I so appreciate it and know 
you are the reason I keep showing up!

Thank you

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