Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Finished Furniture Finds...before & after.

Remember these from a few posts ago?

If not...
 you can read all about these furniture finds HERE

If you want to check out the before & afters...keep reading.

 When painting a group of furniture together
I keep my color palette simple for two reasons...

#1. it makes a really nice presentation when I put it all together in my shop
#2. simple color is what sells best!

I know, I know...
sometimes I want to go crazy with color...and I do at times.
Though if I want it to move...
do a good job & keep it simple!

This time around 
Chalk Paint Aubusson Blue
Maison Blanche Wrought Iron
home made turquoise & cream chalk paint

Love this leather topped table and child's chair
I painted the table, added my favorite stencil
waxed the top

Easy Peasy

These chairs are so sturdy!

The harlequin chair is painted as a companion to this desk.

Mid century desk...brought back from Japan in the 50's
given to me by its owner (my next door neighbor)
sat on my carport for a year and a half
collecting junk...
and finally got painted!

Truth be told...I needed a desk to go with the chair!
I love how it turned out!

Remember this little $10 find?

Painted inside and out
Aubusson Blue undercoat
homemade creamy white overcoat
a soft blue (I had on hand from another project) on the front
clear wax to finish it off
(my sweetheart Jim is awesome at buffing out the wax)

I was thinking it would be a nice little
beach cottage addition.

Didn't have to do much to this one...
the detail was there and did all the work!

I mixed up a homemade turquoise chalk paint
slapped it on (really, love those messy brush strokes)
sanded & aged the original painted finish on top
then sanded the turquoise to bring out that same orangy color...

waxed it twice...
once with clear
lastly with a slightly darker wax to bring out the design details

 I just picked these up for $20. for the pair
painted a turquoise undercoat
creamy white overcoat
and recovered the seats with 
a large piece of check fabric I got for $1.95...
with more to spare!

So that's it...
It rained most of last week
making painting a challenge...
but I needed to get things moving 
out of my house and into my shop

Cerro Home
Leaping Lotus

I have photos of that too...though will post them this weekend
once I go in tomorrow and tweak the shop
and the photos.

Hope you enjoyed seeing what I've been up to.

Thanks for stopping by.

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