Saturday, January 2, 2021

In A Word

 Happy and Hopeful in the midst of a pandemic...really?

I'll's not easy some days...but it is a choice I make, for myself and for those around me.  My actions, our actions and attitudes effect our homes and community's, I'm a firm believer that while we may not be able to change what's going on around us, we can choose how we react to it.  This year has brought me so many great moments and experiences and I'm choosing to focus on that.  

My friend Amy Duncan of Studio Four Corners wrote a post this month that for me, is a great way to head into 2021.  Pick one word to guide your thoughts and actions, a touchstone to keep you on track.  This advice really resonated with me...and words started flowing into my can I pick just one!  All those words did lead to just one...simplify.  Keep it simple...and let that do it's magic in all areas of my life.

I created this piece of assemblage art last month, I made it for myself.  If you know my art, you'll recognize that this is a pretty simple piece for me.  I must have felt it coming...slow down and simplify.  Only a few elements inside...D for my name, a glass heart to remind me to stay heart centered and a small ceramic piece with a landscape on it as a prompt to get out into nature everyday.  The lady bug on the outside is a call to my grandmother and my childhood...another great reminder of who I am.

So simplify it is...that's my word.


Check out Amy's inspirational 2021 post

Studio Four Corners

Make sure to take time to look at her wonderful artwork while you're there.

Happy New Year...Happy Inspired New Word


  1. I picked my word "Positive" as I tend to get caught up in all the negative stuff going on today. It will be a struggle but hopefully, I can stay the course! Thanks Denise for the nudge!

    1. Let's help each other stay up and positive...teamwork! Happy New Year Kaycee!


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